Purchasers of business information on CD-ROM are often concerned to as
sess its cost-effectiveness, CD-ROM may offer a number of advantages,
as compared with print and online access, but this may be at a price.
The marketplace for business information on CD-ROM is characterised by
a range of products that embraces a number of different kinds of data
bases, with differing added-value features and potential applications.
Pricing strategies for electronic information are complex. CD-ROM pri
cing strategies have two distinct components: prices charged for singl
e-user use and prices charged for network use. A number of different t
ypes of discounts and options are available. The article concludes wit
h some case studies which assess the pricing strategies for specific C
D-ROM products. The key players in the business information marketplac
e will continue to maintain their presence, but there is likely to be
some realignment of product ranges, enhanced products and adjustments
to pricing strategies before the market reaches greater stability.