In insulin-dependent and non insulin-dependent diabetic patients, the
treatment of a modest increase in blood pressure values has been prove
d effective in reducing the incidence and in improving the evolution o
f various locations of diabetic angiopathy. This beneficial effect is
associated with a cost which can be evaluated by the analysis of IMS a
nd DOREMA data. In France, the evolution of the sales of antihypertens
ive agents in diabetic patients increased from 117 MF in 1980 to 784 M
F in 1991. This dramatic increase is mainly related to the prescriptio
n of new antihypertensive agents : calcium antagonists and ACE inhibit
ors. From 1980 to 1991, the evolution of antihypertensive agent's sale
s was more important in diabetic patients than in the general populati
on. In 1991, the total cost of antidiabetic treatment : insulin, antid
iabetic oral agents and strips for capillary blood glucose monitoring
was about 1 100 MF, quiet similar to the cost of antihypertensive and
hypolipidemic agents used in the same patients.