Previous resistivity studies have shown that, when cycling a sample of
Nd16Fe76B8 in hydrogen and in vacuum at 800 degrees C, the rate of di
sproportionation and recombination increased considerably after the fi
rst cycle. A schematic model has been proposed to explain this behavio
ur. It has been shown by metallographic investigations that, during th
e first recombination stage, there is a substantial redistribution of
the Nd-rich grain boundary phase along the grain boundaries of the new
ly formed, fine grained Nd2Fe14B regions produced by the S-HDDR proces
s. This allows the rapid transport of hydrogen into and out of the str
ucture on subsequent cycles. As a consequence of this redistribution,
significant cavitation occurs on the first cycle, confirmed by density
measurements. This increases the effective surface area and enhances
the diffusion of hydrogen within the bulk of the sample, thus also inc
reasing the rate of the subsequent disproportionation and recombinatio
n cycles.