Multibody dynamics involves the generation and solution of the equatio
ns of motion for a system of connected material bodies. The subject of
this paper is the use of graph-theoretical methods to represent multi
body system topologies and to formulate the desired set of motion equa
tions; a discussion of the methods available for solving these differe
ntial-algebraic equations is beyond the scope of this work. After a br
ief introduction to the topic, a review of linear graphs and their ass
ociated topological arrays is presented, followed in turn by the use o
f these matrices in generating various graph-theoretic equations. The
appearance of linear graph theory in a number of existing multibody fo
rmulations is then discussed, distinguishing between approaches that u
se absolute (Cartesian) coordinates and those that employ relative (jo
int) coordinates. These formulations are then contrasted with formal g
raph-theoretic approaches, in which both the kinematic and dynamic equ
ations are automatically generated from a single linear graph represen
tation of the system. The paper concludes with a summary of results an
d suggestions for further research on the graph-theoretical modelling
of mechanical systems.