The time course of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and tissue browni
ng was investigated in five Dioscorea species. In three of the yam spe
cies, 86% of the browning was associated with the peak of PPO activity
. In D dumentorum and D rotundata, only 9 and 40%, respectively, of br
owning was PPO-related, while most of the tissue browning occurred aft
er PPO activity had declined to the control value. The browning incide
nce was temperature-dependent such that the optimal temperature for PP
O activity (30 degrees C) also coincided with that of maximal browning
in all the yam species expect in D dumentorum. Classical inhibitors o
f PPO prevented the browning in tissues where the enzymic mechanism pr
edominated while failing to reduce browning in D dumentorum and D rotu
ndata where most of tissue browning was not enzyme associated. The res
ults put the incidence of yam discolouration in proper perspective in
terms of the timescale of PPO and non-PPO-catalysed discolouration.