Nuclear technology is a relatively young university discipline. Yet, a
s a consequence of the declining public acceptance of the peaceful use
of nuclear power, its very existence is already being threatened at m
any universities. However, if Germany needs nuclear power which undoub
tedly is the case, highly qualified committed experts are required abo
ve all. Nuclear technology develops internationally Consequently, also
university education must meet international standards. Generally, un
iversity education has been Sound to be the most effective way of incr
easing the number of scientific and engineering personnel. Nuclear tec
hniques have meanwhile found acceptance in many other scientific disci
plines, thus advancing those branches of science. reaching needs resea
rch, like research in nuclear technology at the national research cent
ers, also the universities are suffering massive financial disadvantag
es. Research is possible only if outside funds are solicited, which in
creases dependency and decreases basic research.