Chlamydia pneumoniae (TWAR), a common cause of acute respiratory disea
se in humans, has recently been associated with coronary and aortic at
herosclerosis. In this study, we evaluated rabbit models of chlamydial
infection to investigate the pathogenesis of C. pneumoniae infection.
New Zealand White rabbits were inoculated intranasally and intratrach
eally with C. pneumoniae, strain AR-39, and primary and repeated infec
tion were assessed. After a single inoculation, lung pathology was cha
racterized by a moderate self-resolving interstitial pneumonia with br
onchiolitis of 21 days in duration. Chlamydial DNA was detected by pol
ymerase chain reaction (PCR) intermittently in the upper respiratory t
ract and lung tissue at day 14, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells
at days 3 and 21. After repeated inoculations, chlamydial DNA was det
ected by PCR in the upper respiratory tract and lung tissue through da
y 42. Lung lesions consisted of multifocal interstitial mononuclear ce
ll aggregates that persisted up to day 42. Watanabe heritable hyperlip
idemic rabbits were less susceptible to C. pneumoniae infection. After
multiple inoculations of Watanabe rabbits, C. pneumoniae was detected
by PCR and/or immunocytochemistry until day 21. In conclusion, C. pne
umoniae induced a moderate respiratory infection in these rabbit model