Two sets of experiments were carried out. In the first set, human subj
ects were asked to make the same effort with the elbow flexors at diff
erent joint angles under isometric conditions. In some experiments, th
e subjects were standing with the arm in a vertical (parasagittal) pla
ne; in others, they were seated with the arm in a horizontal (transver
se) plane. When muscular torque at a given effort level (ordinate) was
plotted as a function of elbow joint angle (abscissa), the resulting
isoeffort torque-angle profiles tended to be flat or negatively slopin
g over a range from 45 degrees to 135 degrees, and they were often non
monotonic. Increases in effort up to near-maximal levels caused the is
oeffort torque-angle profiles to shift upward with little alteration i
n shape. In the second set of experiments, seated subjects with the ar
m horizontal resisted baseline torques produced by a motor that acted
to extend the elbow joint. Unexpected increases and decreases in torqu
e were superimposed on the baseline torque. The subjects either were i
nstructed to intervene and return the elbow to the initial (90 degrees
) position, or were told, ''Do not intervene voluntarily; let the moto
r move your arm.'' Effort was reported both under baseline conditions
and after the changes in torque. It was found that changes in effort w
ere a function of the changes in torque opposed by the elbow flexors,
and were similar whether the subject had repositioned the arm or allow
ed it to be moved by the motor. In the latter case, the arm came to re
st after displacements that were a function of the size and direction
of the torque change. For individual subjects, the largest angular dis
placements ranged from +/- 10 degrees to +/- 20 degrees for changes in
torque of +/- 10 N . m. There was no evidence for any angular depende
nce of the effort judgments at a given torque over this angular range.
Depending on whether effort is primarily an efferent perception propo
rtional to voluntary motor activity or also has a significant afferent
(involuntary) component, different models of motor control are suppor
ted by these data.