Fifty-four lactating multiparous cows were used in a 3 x 3 latin squar
e trial. During each 3-week period cows were offered a diet composed e
ither of perennial ryegrass silage (11 kg dry matter/d), or second-cut
ting cocksfoot hay (13 kg dry matter/d) or maize silage (11 kg dry mat
ter/d). Each diet was supplemented with a mixture of barley, soya-bean
meal and urea in proportions calculated to keep the overall rations i
socaloric and isonitrogenous. The cows fed grass silage yielded, respe
ctively, 0.4 (P > 0.05) and 1.9 kg/d (P < 0.01) more milk than those f
ed maize silage or hay, but their milk was significantly poorer in pro
teins and caseins. This result is linked to a distribution of ingested
energy in favour of milk yield rather than the deposition of body res
erves with the grass silage-based diets. The casein/protein ratio, cal
cium concentration, pH and rheological characteristics of the milk wer
e not significantly different between the types of forages.