The benthic infusorians of tile western coast of Novaya Zemlya (the Ba
rents Sea) were studied. 75 taxa were recorded. 59 of them are identif
ied at the species level. 30 of these species are new for the Barents
Sea, most of them are widespread forms or cosmopolites. The new specie
s list of Barents Sea infusorians includes 170 taxa. The littoral zone
is impoverished in species as compared to the sublittoral one, some t
ypically interstitial taxa (as Karyorelictida) occur only in sublittor
al samples, Some brackish and freshwater infusorians are found only in
the littoral zone. The total abundance of infusorians in the upper la
yers of littoral sediments is low, the highest abundance was noted in
the deeper layers (4 to 12 cm). The similar peculiarities were describ
ed earlier for the littoral and sublittoral macrobenthos of Novaya Zem
lya and are conditioned by rigorous climate of the region.