ACUTE lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is the most common cancer of child
hood. Despite the progress achieved in its treatment, 20% of cases rel
apse and no longer respond to chemotherapy. The most common phenotype
of ALL cells share surface antigens with very early precursors of B ce
lls and are therefore believed to originate from this lineage(1,3). Ch
aracterization of the growth requirement of ALL cells indicated that t
hey were dependent on various cytokines, suggesting paracrine and/or a
utocrine growth regulation(4-6). Because many cytokines induce tyrosin
e phosphorylation in lymphoid progenitor cells, and constitutive tyros
ine phosphorylation is commonly observed in B-lineage leukaemias(7,8),
attempts have been made to develop protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) bloc
kers of leukaemia cell growth(9,10). Here we show that leukaemic cells
from patients in relapse have constitutively activated Jak-2 PTK. Inh
ibition of Jak-2 activity by a specific tyrosine kinase blocker, AG-49
0, selectively blocks leukaemic cell growth in vitro and in vivo by in
ducing programmed cell death, with no deleterious effect on normal hae