Children referred for growth hormone (GH) treatment have increased sch
ool achievement problems, lack appropriate social skills and show seve
ral forms of behavior problems, A multicenter study in the United Stat
es has revealed that many GH-impaired children exhibit a cluster of be
havioral symptoms involving disorders of mood and attention, Anxiety,
depression, somatic complaints and attention deficits have been identi
fied. These symptoms decline in frequency over a period of 3 years, be
ginning shortly after GH replacement therapy is started. Many of the p
atients who have received GH and had good growth responses show lower
than average quality of life in young adulthood after treatment is com
pleted. GH-deficient adults placed on GH therapy report improvement in
psychological well-being and health status, suggesting that GH might
have a central neuroendocrine action, Among a group of adults who were
GH deficient as children, we find a high incidence of social phobia,
a psychiatric disorder linked to GH secretion and usually accompanied
by poor life quality. An ongoing study of non-GH-deficient short indiv
iduals suggests that short stature is not the cause of this outcome, W
e conclude that the origins of psychiatric comorbidities, such as soci
al phobia and depression, in GH deficient adults are likely to be neur
oendocrine as well as psychosocial.