This article presents the minimum 2-year results (range, 24 to 48 mont
hs) of 20 arthroscopically assisted combined anterior cruciate ligamen
t/posterior cruciate ligament (ACL/PCL) reconstructions, evaluated pre
operatively and postoperatively using the Tegner, Lysholm, and Hospita
l for Special Surgery knee ligament rating scales, and the KT 1000 kne
e ligament arthrometer (Medmetric Corp, San Diego, CA). There were 16
men or boys, 4 women or girls; 9 right, 11 left; 10 acute, and 10 chro
nic knee injuries. Ligament injuries included 1 ACL/PCL tear, 2 ACL/PC
L/medial collateral ligament (MCL)/posterior lateral corner tears, 7 A
CL/PCL/MCL tears, and 10 ACL/PCL/posterior lateral corner tears. ACLs
were reconstructed using autograft or allograft patellar tendons. PCLs
were reconstructed using allograft Achilles tendon, or autograft pate
llar tendon. MCL tears were successfully treated with bracing. Posteri
or lateral instability was successfully treated with long head of the
biceps femoris tendon tenodesis. Tegner, Lysholm, and Hospital for Spe
cial Surgery knee ligament rating scales significantly improved preope
ratively to postoperatively (P = .0001). Corrected anterior KT 1000 me
asurements improved from preoperative to postoperative status (P = .00