Shielding related calculations were performed for 230-MeV protons inci
dent upon a stopping-length iron target using the LAHET code system (L
CS). Secondary neutrons and photons, produced by proton interactions w
ith the target nuclei, were transported through a spherical concrete s
hield in which absorbed dose and dose equivalent tallies were produced
and attenuation parameters deduced. Comparing calculated results with
measurements performed with a similar target, beam, and shielding geo
metry, the dose equivalent production term is double the measured valu
e. The LCS overestimates measured attenuation values at 0, 22, and 45
deg while correctly predicting the attenuation length al 90 deg. Compa
risons of LCS results with HETC calculations and analytical methods in
dicates that LCS better estimates the attenuation length and dose equi
valent production.