Flora and vegetation of Malawian inselbergs are briefly described. Hab
itat types which are known from other parts of Africa also occur here.
Inselbergs in Malawi are floristically richer with many succulents an
d poikilohydric species and harbour more endemics than those in West A
frica. Of major importance for the higher species richness is the isol
ated massif of Mt. Mulanje. Outstanding examples of endemics are the t
ree-like Velloziaceae Xerophyta splendens and the Orchidaceae Polystac
hya johnstonii epiphytic on stems of the preceding species. Apart from
widespread species (e.g. Cyanotis lanata) which are shared with West
African inselbergs there is a high degree of floristic divergence with
vicariant taxa replacing each other, e.g. the mat-forming. Cyperaceae
Coleochloa setifera as ecological counterpart of the West African Afr
otrilepis pilosa. The inselberg flora of Malawi is largely Zambezian w
ith links to Madagascar.