To explain the strong finding that democracies rarely fight other demo
cracies, analysts typically focus on some attribute of regime type. Th
is linkage may be spurious, at least in part. The emergence and persis
tence of the first wave of liberal republics and democracies were grea
tly facilitated by the prior resolution of regional primacy questions.
Because early democracies did not engage fully in competitions for re
gional primacy and territorial expansion, they were less likely to att
ack other states, democracies or otherwise, in their home regions. Non
expansionist foreign policies also discouraged the domestic concentrat
ion of economic and political power, which in turn facilitated democra
tization processes. Four historical cases illustrate how regional prim
acy issues preceded the development of democracy and either undermined
or facilitated democratization processes in major powers that have be
en especially important to the annals of war participation. Further re
search on whether peace antecedes democracy or the other way around ap
pears warranted.