Larvae and isolated fat body cells of the freeze-tolerant Heleomyza bo
realis (Diptera, Heleomyzidae) were cooled to sub-zero temperatures be
tween -5 and -40 degrees C at 0.1 degrees C min(-1) and then rewarmed
at the same rate. Survival of the whole organism, cells cooled in vitr
o and cells cooled in vivo were assessed using two fluorescent viabili
ty stains. The whole animal supercooling point distribution was bimoda
l, the two groups having means of -2.3 and -9.7 degrees C, suggesting
a deficiency of potent ice-nucleating agents in the latter. Whole orga
nism survival declined rapidly below -30 degrees C. Survival of cells
cooled within the organism remained in excess of 95% above -25 degrees
C and approached 80% at -35 degrees C, whereas the survival of cells
cooled in vitro (isolated cells) declined rapidly at -20, reaching 45%
at -40 degrees C. The reduced survival of isolated cells is attribute
d to protective factors within the extra-cellular fluid or tissue stru
cture of the larvae. The pattern of cell survival suggests membrane ru
pture arising from shrinkage as the cause of cell death, whereas the p
attern of whole organism survival is indicative of intra-cellular ice
formation or failure of chill injury protective mechanisms at a specif
ic temperature causing death of the organism.