Using lactation in mice as a model, we sought to determine whether cei
lings on sustained energy expenditure reside in the capacities of ener
gy-acquiring and input organs (such as the intestine) or of energy-exp
ending and output organs (such as the mammary glands), To distinguish
between these possibilities experimentally, we surgically varied the t
eat number of lactating mother mice while simultaneously varying their
litter size, The energy burden on each teat (i.e. the pup/teat ratio)
could thus be varied independently of the energy burden (i.e. litter
size) on the mother herself or on her intestine, At each teat number,
pup mass proved to be maximal at intermediate litter sizes, At a given
pup/teat ratio, mothers with five teats weaned pups no larger than th
e pups of normal (10-teat) mothers, even though the total energy burde
n on the former mothers was only half as large, Mothers with only two
teats could not wean any pups, Litter size controlled maternal food in
take, which in turn controlled intestinal mass and nutrient uptake cap
acity, Disproportionately high food intake for the smallest litters ap
pears to reflect capital start-up costs of lactation, Pup mass is evid
ently limited by inadequate suckling stimulation of mammary glands.