The genomic and complementary DNA sequences were determined for the un
ique actin-encoding gene in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Cr). The deduce
d amino acid (aa) sequence of this actin was similar to most known act
in sequences, with the highest identity (98.1%) being with that of Vol
vox carteri actin. The Cr actin-encoding gene has one intron in the 5'
-untranslated region and eight introns in the coding region. The latte
r eight introns occur at the same positions as those in the V. casteri
actin-encoding gene. The 5'-upstream region contains four short stret
ches of sequence similar to the so-called 'tub box', a characteristic
sequence proposed to be responsible for the regulation of synthesis of
various axonemal proteins upon deflagellation and during the cell cyc
le, Southern blot analysis indicated that the Cr genome has only a sin
gle actin-encoding gene. An antibody specific for the 11-aa peptide co
rresponding to the N-terminal sequence of this actin was found to reac
t with a 43-kDa protein associated with flagellar inner-arm dynein. Th
ese findings indicate that a single actin functions in both the cytopl
asm and flagella of this organism.