Exchange of [Rh(NH3)(5)(H2O)](3+) ions from aqueous solution into NaY
starts at the surface of the zeolite grains; ion penetration into subs
urface cavities is slow. A marked rhodium concentration profile from t
he surface to the interior of the granuli vanishes only after an excha
nge time of three days, as evidenced by X-ray photoelectron spectrosco
py (XPS). Heating the [Rh(NH3)(5)(H2O)](3+)-loaded NaY in argon up to
500 degrees C leads to 100% autoreduction of the rhodium and formation
of rather large rhodium particles. Heating the same precursor in 1 ba
r of O-2 up to 380 degrees C yields a mixture of the oxides RhO2 and R
h2O3 and the ions Rh3+ and Rh+. The oxides and Rh3+ ions are located i
n the supercages, while Rh+ is most likely in the small cages. After c
alcination to 500 degrees C, Rh2O3 is the only oxide present; some of
the Rh3+ ions have migrated into sodalite cages and hexagonal prisms.
Reaction of Rh2O3 with zeolite protons produces more Rh3+ ions; a maxi
mum concentration is achieved with HY when heated to 500 degrees C. Re
duction of the calcined samples in flowing H-2 produces small rhodium
particles located primarily inside the zeolite supercages. The extent
of this reduction depends on the proton concentration and the temperat
ure because the equilibrium between Rh-0, protons, and Rh+ prevents 10
0% formation of Rh-0 when the H+ concentration is appreciable; in HY a
Rh-0/Rh+ ratio approximate to 1 is found. As a consequence of strong
proton anchoring, the rhodium particle size in HY remains <1 nm after
H-2 reduction. Formation of rhodium-proton adducts lowers the propensi
ty of rhodium to adsorb H-2 at low temperature.