1. The electrophysiological properties of inspiratory neurons were stu
died in a rhythmically active thick-slice preparation of the newborn m
ouse brain stem maintained in vitro. Whole cell patch recordings were
performed from 60 inspiratory neurons within the rostral ventrolateral
part of the slice with the aim of extending the classification of ins
piratory neurons to include analysis of active membrane properties. 2.
The slice generated a regular rhythmic motor output recorded as burst
of action potentials on a XII nerve root with a peak to peak time of
11.5 +/- 3.4 s and a duration of 483 +/- 54 ms (means +/- SD, n = 50).
Based on the electroresponsive properties and membrane potential traj
ectories throughout the respiratory cycle, three types of inspiratory
neurons could be distinguished. 3. Type-1 neurons were spiking in the
interval between the inspiratory potentials (n = 9) or silent with a r
esting membrane potential of -48.6 +/- 10.1 mV and an input resistance
of 306 +/- 130 M Omega (n = 15). The spike activity between the inspi
ratory potentials was burst-like with spikes riding on top of an under
lying depolarization (n = 11) or regular with no evidence of bursting
(n = 12). Hyperpolarization of the neurons below threshold for spike i
nitiation did not reveal any underlying phasic synaptic activity, that
could explain the bursting behavior. 4. Type-1 neurons showed delayed
excitation after hyperpolarizing square current pulses or when the ne
urons were depolarized from a hyperpolarized level. This membrane beha
vior resembles the response seen in other CNS neurons expressing an I-
A. The response to 1-s long depolarizing pulses with a large current s
trength showed signs of activation of an active depolarizing membrane
response leading to a transient reduction in the spike amplitude. The
relationship between the membrane potential and the amplitude of squar
e current pulses (V-m-I) showed a small upward rectification below -70
mV, and spike adaptation throughout a 1-s pulse had a largely linear
time course. 5. Type-1 neurons depolarized and started to fire spikes
398 +/- 102 ms (n = 20) before the upstroke of the integrated XII nerv
e discharge. The inspiratory potential was followed by fast hyperpolar
ization, a short fast-repolarizing phase (1,040 +/- 102 ms, n = 5) and
a longer slow-repolarizing phase (lasting until the next inspiratory
discharge). 6. Type-2 neurons were spiking in the interval between the
inspiratory potentials with no evidence of bursting behavior and had
an input resistance of 296 +/- 212 M Omega (n = 26), The response to h
yperpolarizing pulses revealed an initial sag and postinhibitory rebou
nd depolarization. This membrane behavior resembles the response seen
in other CNS neurons expressing an I-h. The V-m-I relationship was lin
ear at depolarized potentials and showed a marked upward rectification
below -69 mV. Spike trains elicited by 1-s long pulses showed a prono
unced early and late adaptation. 7. Type-2 neurons depolarized and sta
rted to fire spikes 171 +/- 87 ms (n = 23) before the upstroke of the
integrated XII nerve discharge. The inspiratory potential had a variab
le amplitude from cell to cell and was followed by a short hyperpolari
zation in the cells displaying a large amplitude inspiratory potential
. 8. Type-3 neurons were spiking in the interval between the inspirato
ry potentials with no evidence of bursting behavior (n = 5) or silent
with a resting membrane potential of -50.4 +/- 2.7 mV and an input res
istance of 126 +/- 34 M Omega (n = 10). The response to current pulses
revealed a low-threshold depolarization elicited by depolarizing puls
es from a hyperpolarized level or after hyperpolarizing pulses from re
st. This membrane behavior resembles the response seen in other CNS ne
urons expressing a low-voltage-activated Ca2+ current. The V-m-I relat
ionship showed a small upward rectification below -70 mV and the spike
train throughout a 1-s pulse showed a pronounced early and late adapt
ation. 9. Type-3 neurons depolarized 100 +/- 40 ms (n = 9) before the
upstroke of the integrated XII nerve discharge. The inspiratory potent
ial was followed by a small amplitude afterdepolarization at resting m
embrane potential. 10. In conclusion, three types of inspiratory neuro
ns in the newborn mouse ventrolateral brain stem display a number of a
ctive membrane responses, which seem to shape the membrane potential t
rajectory before, during, and after the inspiratory potentials. The di
fferential timing of synaptic activity preceding the XII nerve dischar
ge demonstrates a sequence of activation in relation to the inspirator
y burst, where type-1 neurons are activated well before type-2 neurons
, which are activated before type-3 neurons suggesting that type-1 neu
rons may be more closely involved in the generation of the respiratory