The first controlled source electromagnetic experiment directly on a r
idge, with the potential to identify the presence of an axial melt bod
y beneath a fast-spreading center, was conducted at 13-degrees-N on th
e East Pacific Rise (EPR) in 1989. Transmission for 36 hours was achie
ved by a deep towed horizontal electric dipole source, of moment 6000
Am, operating at frequencies between 1/4 and 8 Hz. Signals from the so
urce were recorded by seven seafloor electric field receivers position
ed both along the ridge crest and 5 km to the east on 100,000-year-old
crust. Data above ambient noise levels were obtained at ranges of up
to 10 km. The results of modeling observed electric field amplitudes r
eveal that resistivities in the uppermost crust are very low (approxim
ately 1 OMEGAm), indicating a heavily fractured, high-porosity surfici
al layer. Below this topmost layer, the upper 2 km of crust is found t
o be moderately resistive (approximately 100 OMEGAm). We find no evide
nce for a large conductive axial melt body with dimensions on the orde
r of kilometers in the middle or upper crust. If a partial melt body i
s present, which is continuous along strike and which comprises a conn
ected, and therefore conductive, melt texture, it must be of very limi
ted volumetric extent. This picture is consistent with recently propos
ed models of a thin sill-like melt lens with across strike dimensions
of no more than 1 km and probably with smaller vertical extent. The la
rger region below the sill, characterized by low seismic velocities, m
ust contain at best a very small melt fraction distributed in isolated
pockets, providing further evidence that the EPR at 13-degrees-N is c
urrently in a state of relative magmatic quiescence.