A 34-year-old male presented with an infected intralobar pulmonary seq
uestration of the left lower lobe, Aortography revealed bilateral anom
alous systemic arteries, originating in the lower level of the descend
ing thoracic aorta, to the lower lobe on each side, The portion of the
right lower lobe, which was perfused by the anomalous systemic artery
was seen otherwise normal in anatomy without any recognizable sequest
ered lung tissue. The patient underwent a left postero-lateral thoraco
tomy on June 22, 1994. Each aberrant artery was recognized to take off
from a common branch of the descending aorta at the level of the diap
hragm. A left lower lobectomy with division of the left aberrant arter
y as well as Ligation of the right anomalous artery were done. A posto
perative pulmonary perfusion scan depicted normal uptake of radioactiv
ity in the right lower lobe, suggesting normal pulmonary arterial perf
usion to the area receiving previously the anomalous systemic arterial
flow. An anomalous systemic artery perfusing an otherwise normal lung
can be classified as one of the forms of intralobar pulmonary sequest
ration and could be ligated without resection of the involved area of
the lung.