In duality theory, there is a trade-off between generality and tractab
ility. Thus, the generality of the Tind-Wolsey framework comes at the
expense of an infinite-dimensional dual solution space, even if the pr
imal solution space is finite dimensional. Therefore, the challenge is
to impose additional structure on the dual solution space and to iden
tify conditions on the primal program, such that the properties that a
re typically associated with duality, like weak and strong duality, ar
e preserved. In this paper, we consider real-valuedness, continuity, a
nd additive separability as such additional structures. The virtue of
the latter property is that it restores the one-to-one correspondence
between primal constraints and dual variables as it exists in Lagrangi
an duality. The main result of this paper is that, roughly speaking, t
he existence of real-valued, continuous, and additively separable dual
solutions that preserve strong duality is guaranteed, once the primal
program satisfies a certain stability condition. The latter condition
is ensured by the well-known regularity conditions that imply constra
int qualification in Karush-Kuhn-Tucker points. On the other hand, if
instead of additive separability, a mild tractability condition is imp
osed on the dual solution space, then stability turns out to be a nece
ssary condition for strong duality in a well-defined sense. This resul
t, combined with the observation that stability is a fairly restrictiv
e requirement, may clarify the limited applicability of some well-know
n augmented Lagrangian methods to constrained optimization.