Interactions among shoots within plant modules could allow gall-insect
s to acquire resources from other plant parts near the feeding sites.
As a result, nearby plant parts may act as a ''functional resource'',
or extended resource base. We tested for functional interconnections b
etween galls and adjacent ungalled shoots in Adelges cooleyi Gil. (Hom
optera: Adelgidae) on Picea engelmanni, Engelmann spruce. Observations
of gall and surrounding shoot weights showed that gall weights were t
wice normal shoot weights, but that surrounding shoot weights were una
ffected. Reducing photosynthate availability by covering galls or surr
ounding shoots with opaque cloth suggested that functional interconnec
tions exist among them; covering galls reduced surrounding current-yea
r ungalled shoot weight, and covering surrounding shoots reduced their
weight even further, but neither covering treatment affected gall or
gall-insect weight. These patterns suggest that surrounding shoots con
stitute an extended and flexibly utilized resource base for adelgid ga
lls. Resources made available via functional interconnections appeared
to be equally available throughout adelgid galls. No differences were
found in gall-insect performance in parts of the gall closer to conne
ctions with surrounding shoots compared to more distantly-located gall
-insects. Further studies are required to examine patterns of resource
movement among unmanipulated galls and shoots. Functional resources m
ay be common features of plant/gall-insect interactions, potentially p
laying an important role in gall-insect reproductive success and habit
at selection.