Assuming the model f(lambda) similar to G lambda(1-2H), as lambda -->
O +, for the spectral density of a covariance stationary process, we c
onsider an estimate of H is an element of (0, 1) which maximizes an ap
proximate form of frequency domain Gaussian likelihood, where discrete
averaging is carried out over a neighbourhood of zero frequency which
degenerates slowly to zero as sample size tends to infinity. The esti
mate has several advantages. It is shown to be consistent under mild c
onditions. Under conditions which are not greatly stronger, it is show
n to be asymptotically normal and more efficient than previous estimat
es. Gaussianity is nowhere assumed in the asymptotic theory, the limit
ing normal distribution is of very simple form, involving a variance w
hich is not dependent on unknown parameters, and the theory covers sim
ultaneously the cases f(lambda) --> infinity, f(lambda) --> 0 and f(la
mbda) --> C is an element of (0, infinity), as lambda --> 0. Monte Car
lo evidence on finite-sample performance is reported, along with an ap
plication to a historical series of minimum levels of the River Nile.