A number of possible mechanisms, both physical and chemical, are postu
lated as being potentially damaging to borehole performance in micaceo
us aquifers. Laboratory studies have been undertaken to assess the deg
ree to which these mechanisms are operative, and the extent of permeab
ility damage which occurs as a result. Some of the processes studied a
re unique to micaceous formations, while others are enhanced where mic
a is present. Two key processes identified by the study are: (i) miner
alogical and structural alteration of mica particles as a result of in
creased groundwater salinity; and (ii) mixing of formation sands, eith
er between layers, or with gravel pack material. The studies together
with field evidence show that both of these processes can cause a sign
ificant reduction in permeability in the vicinity of a borehole, leadi
ng to a deterioration in borehole performance. The degree of deteriora
tion which can result from each of the processes is assessed, and reco
mmendations for operation, maintenance and rehabilitation, to minimize
damage are made.