Microencapsulation and warm pressing of metal powders was developed in
the 80's at GM. A direct fire ignition system with two P/M iron elect
romagnetic cores, has been in production in Europe since 1990. A Nd-Fe
-B powder, Magnequench, is microencapsulated and the coated powder has
been sold commercially to a camera manufacturer for P/M molding since
1991. These net shape P/M parts have application in AG and pulsed DC
electromagnetic systems, as well as structural, DG electromagnetic sys
tems, and permanent magnet systems. The parts have high green strength
, high molded density and good particle to particle insulation for AC
applications. Because of the increased green strength and the increase
d flowability during molding, thin walled parts and parts with a compl
ex geometry can now be made by net shape P/M techniques. These P/M par
ts can then be sintered for DC or structural applications or used as m
olded, for AC applications. One major disadvantage of the AC and pulse
d DG applications has been lower output compared to the current lamina
tion system. Now, however, a new microencapsulated powder has been dev
eloped and is nearing production. This new material has raised the per
meability and lowered the eddy current losses so that the output of ou
r ignition coil has been improved by 30%. Another microencapsulated po
lymer system has proven useful in structural and DC electromagnetic sy
stems. The new system yields higher green strength, higher densities,
and better powder flow during molding. Because of these improvements,
the sintered part has improved output and strength. This polymer coate
d product has helped to eliminate cracks in one of our alternator appl