Purpose. Herein we report the discovery of a group of derivatized alph
a-amino acids that increase the oral bioavailability of sodium cromoly
n. Methods. We prepared three N-acylated alpha-amino acids and used th
ese compounds to demonstrate the oral delivery of cromolyn in an in vi
vo rat model. In vitro experiments, including permeation studies and n
ear infrared spectroscopy, were also performed to initiate an understa
nding of the mechanism by which these compounds facilitate cromolyn or
al delivery. Results. Following oral administration to rats of solutio
ns containing a combination of cromolyn and the delivery agent, signif
icant systemic plasma concentrations of the drug were detected. In vit
ro studies suggest that absorption of the drug across the gastrointest
inal membrane is a passive process. Conclusion. The absolute oral bioa
vailability of sodium cromolyn in the rat model is estimated to be sim
ilar to 5%. Preliminary mechanistic studies suggest that a complex of
the cromolyn/delivery agent facilitates permeation across/through the