The induction of stress proteins is an important component of the adap
tional network of a non-growing cell of Bacillus subtilis, A diverse r
ange of stresses such as heat shock, salt stress, ethanol, starvation
for oxygen or nutrients etc. induce the same set of proteins, called g
eneral stress proteins, Although the adaptive functions of these prote
ins are largely unknown, they are proposed to provide general and rath
er non-specific protection of the cell under these adverse conditions,
In addition to these non-specific general stress proteins, all extrac
ellular signals induce a set of specific stress proteins that may conf
er specific protection against a particular stress factor, In B. subti
lis at least three different classes of heat-inducible genes can be de
fined by their common regulatory characteristics: Class I genes, as ex
emplified by the dnaK and groE operons, are most efficiently induced b
y heat stress, Their. expression involves a sigma(A)-dependent promote
r, an inverted repeat (called the CIRCE element) highly conserved amon
g eubacteria, and probably a repressor interacting with the CIRCE elem
ent, The majority of general stress genes (class II, more than 40) are
induced at sigma(B)-dependent promoters by different growth-inhibitin
g conditions, The activation of ae by stress or starvation is the cruc
ial event in the induction of this large stress regulon, Only a few ge
nes, including lon, clpC, clpP, and ftsH, can respond to different str
ess factors independently of sigma(B) or CIRCE (class III), Stress ind
uction of these genes occurs at promoters presumably recognized by sig
ma(A) and probably involves additional regulatory elements which remai
n to be defined.