History and clinical findings: A 56-year-old man was admitted to hospi
tal for investigation of meteorism and severe flatulence for 10 months
and irregular stools. He had no previous illness. On examination his
abdomen was quite distended, with very active but low-pitched peristal
sis. Investigation: Plain x-ray of the abdomen showed multiple round t
ranslucencies along the wall of the left hemicolon. Coloscopy revealed
multiple firm-walled cysts in the descending and sigmoid colon which
contained H-2 in high concentration. Histologically there was slight i
nflammatory infiltration of the submucosa as well as some slit-like ho
llow spaces, pointing to the diagnosis of pneumatosis cystoides intest
inalis. The H-2 breath test, done to confirm the diagnosis, indicated
increased H-2-concentration, both on fasting and after lactulose. Trea
tment and course: A diet low in flatulence-producing carbohydates sati
sfactorily controlled the symptoms, but the local findings remained un
changed over 4 years. Conclusion: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis s
hould be included in the differential diagnosis of meteorism and flatu
lence. Diet can satisfactorily control the symptoms of this rare disea