B. Fazekas et al., HYPERMET-PC - PROGRAM FOR AUTOMATIC-ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX GAMMA-RAY SPECTRA, Journal of trace and microprobe techniques, 14(1), 1996, pp. 167-172
An interactive version of the venerable gamma-ray spectrum analysis co
de HYPERMET has been developed in C++ for the IBM-PC. It runs under MS
-DOS, in conventional memory, and can handle up to 16k-channel spectra
, recorded with CANBERRA's System 100 and AccuSpec and with ORTEC's AC
E plug-in MCA cards. A Windows-like graphics environment is provided w
ith mouse controlled pull-down menus, pop-up windows and rubber band e
xpansion. All basic features of HYPERMET such as fully automatic peak
search, nonlinear fitting of multiplets with automatically adjusted Ga
ussian peak widths and exponential tails have been retained. All detai
ls of the fitting procedure are recorded in a data base, hence any fit
ted region can be retrieved and modified interactively, even after a f
ully automatic spectrum evaluation. The program also provides an outpu
t peak list in SAMPO90 format for further processing, e.g. for use wit
h KAYZERO, a software package for k(0)-based neutron activation analys