Numerous studies have been undertaken, the last fifteen years, in orde
r to characterize and study the role of factors involved in Bordetella
pathogenesis. These studies have been carried out using molecular bio
logy and cellular biology techniques and a murine respiratory model. I
t has been shown that : i) many factors are necessary for Bordetella s
pecies to initiate infection, to colonize the host respiratory tract a
nd to multiply : adhesins (filamentous hemagglutinin, pertactin and ag
glutinogens) and toxins (pertussis toxin, tracheal cytotoxin and adeny
late cyclase-hemolysin); ii) Bordetella species, which have been consi
dered as extracellular bacteria, could in fact, persist inside host ce
lls; iii) the expression of Bordetella virulence factors could vary du
ring infection, allowing the bacteria to escape the host immune respon