A successful theory of corporate growth should include both the extern
al and internal factors that affect the growth of a company(1-18). Whe
reas traditional models emphasize production-related influences such a
s investment in physical capital and in research and development(18),
recent models(10-20) recognize the equal importance of organizational
infrastructure. Unfortunately, no exhaustive empirical account of the
growth of companies exists by which these models can be tested. Here w
e present a broad, phenomenological picture of the dependence of growt
h on company size, derived from data for all publicly traded US manufa
cturing companies between 1975 and 1991. We find that, for firms with
similar sales, the distribution of annual (logarithmic) growth rates h
as an exponential form; the spread in the distribution of rates decrea
ses with increasing sales as a power law over seven orders of magnitud
e. A model wherein the probability of a company's growth depends on it
s past as well as present sales accounts for the former observation. A
s the latter observation applies to companies that manufacture product
s of all kinds, organizational structures common to all firms might we
ll be stronger determinants of growth than production-related factors,
which differ for companies producing different goods.