The article deals with the results of application of the method for de
termination of meteoroid bulk densities, based on the physical theory
of meteor phenomenon taking into consideration husking type of fragmen
tation of meteoroids, to more than 1100 meteors compiled in catalogues
of photographical and TV meteors. Our results indicate that both the
sporadic and shower meteors can be caused by various kind of bodies ra
nging from fluffy dust clumps to iron or stony-iron meteoroids. We hav
e arrived at the conclusion that the fragmentation itself cannot be co
nsidered as sufficient criterion of structure of meteoroids. The conce
pts of husking followed slightly more than 230 meteors from the whole
sample. As a particular result, we arrived also at the conclusion that
while Perseids are produced namely by dust clumps particles Geminids
are formed by stony-iron kind of meteoroids.