Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of azithromycin, an azalide
antibiotic with long tissue half-life, in a pilot study of patients w
ith genital donovanosis in the Northern Territory, Australia. Design:
Patients with histologically confirmed donovanosis were randomised to
receive one of two open-label azithromycin dosage regimens: Regimen A-
1.0 g once weekly for 4 weeks; or Regimen B-500 mg daily for 7 days. P
atients were assessed at 6 weeks and classified as either ''cured'', '
'improved'' or ''failed''. Results: Seven patients received regimen A
and 4 received regimen B. Six weeks after commencing treatment the gen
ital ulcers of four patients receiving regimen A and one patient recei
ving regimen B had healed; the lesions of the other six patients (3 in
each regimen) were ''improved''. No patient failed to respond and no
significant adverse reaction was recognised. The eleven patients were
reviewed after completing the six-week trial; all lesions had re-epith
elialised without further antibiotic treatment, no relapses had occurr
ed, the longest follow-up period being seven months. A further 17 pati
ents with donovanosis who were unable to meet the entry criteria were
also treated successfully with azithromycin during the study period. C
onclusions: This is the first time that azithromycin has been shown to
have clinical activity against donovanosis. Poor compliance with prol
onged courses of antibiotics is one of the major barriers to control o
f the disease. Intermittent or short-course therapy, made possible by
the long tissue half-life of the drug, could facilitate control of don
ovanosis in endemic populations if the high cost of medication can be