Objectives: The aims of the present study are (1) to determine the ery
throcyte CAI and CAII concentrations in SGA and anemic fetuses and to
compare them with normal levels, and (2) to examine whether there is a
ny correlation between fetal hypoxia or anemia and isoenzyme concentra
tions. Methods: Human erythrocyte CAI and CAII concentrations were mea
sured in SGA (n = 25) and anemic (n = 32) fetuses (20-36 weeks' gestat
ion), using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The blood gase
s and pH were measured with an ABL-2c blood gas analyzer. Results and
conclusion: In the group of SGA fetuses, there was a tendency for CAI
and CAII to be higher than for normal fetuses. The CAI/CAII ratio was
also significantly higher than the normal ratio. There were significan
t correlations between blood Delta pH and Delta CAI, Delta CAII, or De
lta CAI/CAII ratio in this group of fetuses. The levels of CAI, CAII,
and CAI/CAII ratio were the same as for normal fetuses in the group of
anemic fetuses from red cell isoimmunized pregnancies before their fi
rst intrauterine blood transfusion. However, in the group of anemic fe
tuses after their first blood transfusion, the levels of both isoenzym
es were significantly higher than the normal blood levels. Within the
latter group there was a significant negative correlation between the
Delta CAI and the percentage of fetal erythrocytes in the circulation.