Thirty-nine Yucatan miniature swine were used in three fetal surgical
experimental protocols, They involved antiarrhythmic administration, p
acemaker implantation, and in-utero diagnosis of ventricular septal de
fect by intraoperative echocardiography. Because of problems encounter
ed with surgical protocols in the initial stages, modifications were m
ade to prevent fetal hypothermia and intraoperative mortality, These m
odifications included environmental temperature support, staple surgic
al techniques to reduce operative time, and development of fetal cathe
ters designed to facilitate cannulation of small vessels, Postoperativ
e care protocols were intensive and included antibiotics, analgesics,
and supportive care designed to reduce discomfort and prevent abortion
and sepsis, Thirty-seven of 39 sows survived the surgical procedures;
experiments were performed on 117 fetuses. Twenty-two fetuses died ei
ther intraoperatively or postoperatively because of complications rela
ted to the experimental protocols, Modification of surgical and postsu
rgical protocols for these projects demonstrates the feasibility of us
ing miniature swine as a model for fetal surgery, when their use was a
ppropriate for anatomic and physiologic reasons.