Measurements of side force and drag on models of various yacht hull/ke
el combinations in a wind tunnel are presented. The accuracy of the re
sulting side force measurements was verified by comparing results for
two of the standard configurations with towing tank data from geometri
cally identical models at the same Reynolds number. The agreement betw
een the results was excellent. Measurements from the models were then
compared with the predictions of five different methods for a range of
keel to canoe body draft ratios from 2.27 to 5.56. It was found that
there was considerable variation in the predictions of the various met
hods, but that the wind tunnel results fell at the center of the range
of predicted values. Effective aspect ratios were estimated from indu
ced drag measurements and were found to be in excess of twice the geom
etric aspect ratio of the keels, reducing as heel increased to 30 deg.