Mortality data are presented from a 16- to 45-year follow-up study of
71 men with antisocial personality disorder. Death ascertainment was m
ade through both a personal follow-up and use of the National Death In
dex. Comparisons were made with the mortality experience of the genera
l population of the state of Iowa by using gender and age standardized
mortality ratios. Seventeen men died (24%) died during the followup.
Antisocial men younger than 40 years were at excessive risk for premat
ure death (standardized mortality ratio [SMR] = 33, P < 0.25); men bet
ween ages 40 and 60 years also appeared to be at risk for premature de
ath, although the excess was not statistically significant. Three subj
ects (18% of all deaths) died of complications from diabetes mellitus
(SMR = 14, P < 0.05). Deaths were spread out among the four decades of
follow-up. The findings and their implications are discussed.