Each of the homeotic genes of the bithorax complex of Drosophila defin
es the identities of more than one body segment. The mechanisms by whi
ch this occurs have been elusive. In a recent report, Castelli-Gair an
d Akam((1)) analyze in detail the control of parasegment 5 and paraseg
ment 6 identities by the bithorax complex gene Ubx. Their results indi
cate that differences in the spatial and temporal expression patterns
of Ubx are critical in determining differences between these parasegme
nts. However, dose effects observed by others indicate that parasegmen
t-specific differences in the level of Ubx expression are also importa
nt. For the other BX-C genes, parasegment-specific expression of prote
in isoforms, or combinatorial control dependent on the expression patt
erns of other spatially restricted regulators, may also play a role.