Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) was attempted in 12 couples in
whom both parents carry the common Delta F508 deletion causing cystic
fibrosis (CF). In vitro fertilization (IVF) was followed by cleavage
stage biopsy on days 2 and 3 and removal of one or two cells for genet
ic analysis by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and heteroduplex
formation. A total of 18 cycles resulted in 137 normally fertilized e
mbryos, of which 115 developed to cleavage stages and 114 were success
fully biopsied. Genetic analysis was successful in 83 embryos (73 per
cent). With the remaining embryos, either results from two or more cel
ls were discordant or amplification failed. In 15 cycles, one or two e
ither normal or carrier embryos were transferred and five (33 per cent
) clinical pregnancies were established. Five singletons have been bor
n and at birth all five babies have been confirmed as homozygous for t
he normal allele. Our experience demonstrates that IVF and cleavage st
age biopsy consistently provides sufficient embryos, diagnosed as unaf
fected, for transfer in this autosomal recessive disease and that preg
nancy rates are comparable to those following IVF.