We present imaging and polarimetry of NGC 5128 in the R and I bands ob
tained using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Planetary Cam
era. The morphology and polarization properties of NGC 5128 at these w
avelengths are dominated by the presence of the dust lane. The apparen
t V-band extinction ranges from 0.5 to 7 mag. The overall pattern of p
olarization is very regular, with the vectors oriented along the dust
lane and with the degree of polarization proportional to extinction, c
onsistent with the polarization being dominated by dichroic transmissi
on through aligned dust grains in the foreground. After removing the e
ffects of dust absorption, the nuclear region of the galaxy does not s
how a greatly perturbed morphology, and the resulting image looks qual
itatively similar to those obtained from infrared observations. The lo
cation of the maximum of intrinsic emission, after correcting for exti
nction, is spatially coincident with the K-band peak as observed from
the ground and also coincides with the maximum of obscuration and the
highest polarization region. A compact, highly polarized emission knot
seen at that location might be identified with a scattering cloud ver
y close to the semiobscured nucleus af the galaxy. No optical synchrot
ron emission from the jet has been detected. This sets a lower limit t
o the radio-to-optical spectral index of similar to 0.55 which is cons
istent with the previous determinations of the spectral index for the
synchrotron jet of Centaurus A.