The reliability of the models describing the final-state interactions
in (e,e'p) scattering at high proton energies is an important issue in
view of the experiments planned at CEBAF. One of the most popular app
roaches adopted, the Glauber method, involves the linearization of the
wave equation for the ejected proton traveling through the residual n
ucleus. We have studied the consequences of such an assumption for the
case of the C-12(e,e'p)B-11 reaction at high proton momenta by compa
ring the results with the predictions obtained when the second-order d
ifferential equation for the proton wave is solved exactly for each pa
rtial wave. We find that the two methods give well-correlated angular
distributions for momenta in the range 1-4 GeV/c, i.e., for kinematics
relevant to the transition to the eikonal regime.