As readers of the exchange between Grofman (1991 a, 1991 b) and Bulloc
k (1 99 1) will surmise, there is an active, if small, ''vote dilution
'' subculture in American social science. Members of this subculture a
re at odds over methodological issues regarding the analysis of black/
white voting patterns. Much of that dispute is over what can only be c
alled the ''double regression hoax'' to which federal courts have fall
en prey. The hoax consists of three prongs, which assert that (1) a te
chnique known commonly as ''double regression'' (two ecological regres
sions) cures the ecological fallacy; (2) ''double regression'' is biva
riate; and (3) ''double regression'' is regression. None of these prop
ositions is true, yet defenders of ''double regression'' resist scient
ific challenges to their method by taking refuge in an argument from a
uthority-their method has been approved by the Supreme Court.