The study aimed to determine the influence of glucose control during p
regnancy on the incidence of macrosomia in the infants of mothers with
insulin-dependent diabetes. The prevalence of macrosomia was determin
ed in pregnancies of all such women attending the City Hospital Nottin
gham, between July 1987 and July 1993, where it is policy for diabetic
patients to aim during pregnancy for preprandial capillary glucose le
vels of less than 6.0 mmol l(-1), and postprandial glucose levels of l
ess than 8.0 mmol l(-1). Macrosomia was defined as a birthweight great
er than 90th centile using a computer model which takes into account a
ll the major determinants of birthweight. Twelve of 29 infants were ma
crosomic, which was greater than expected (p < 0.01). During pregnancy
there was no difference in mean seven point glucose profiles between
those mothers with normal weight babies and those with macrosomia, but
fructosamine levels at booking were significantly higher in the latte
r 2.5 (1.9-2.9) vs 2.2 (1.2-3.0); p < 0.05. These data confirm other s
tudies and suggest that the incidence of macrosomia may be reduced by
tighter control of diabetes at conception and in the first trimester,
but to a lesser extent during later pregnancy.