Inter- and intrarater reliability in scoring the signs of Parkinson's
disease using the original Columbia scale and a modified version of th
is, the Sydney scale, were assessed in five neurologists participating
in a long-term study of Parkinson's disease. Scoring was done on vide
o recordings of 41 patients whose disability ranged from mild to sever
e. Although all the neurologists were familiar with the scales and had
received training designed to produce uniformity of scoring, interrat
er reliability was poor. The mean score for the Columbia scale varied
from 18.6 to 30 and for the Sydney scale from 15.2 to 23.2. By contras
t, intrarater reliability was good. This study highlights the limitati
ons of clinical rating scales in Parkinson's disease when more than on
e rater is used. In designing clinical trials, every effort should be
made to ensure that the same patient is always assessed by the same ra