Peripheral nerves undulate together, giving them a wavelike appearance
. This axonal pattern is also found in one region of the central nervo
us system, the optic nerve. Undulations provide a degree of compliance
, as when a nerve is stretched, they are pulled straight. In the perip
heral nervous system, undulations are thought to be conditional on the
presence of extrafascicular collagen, which is also present between f
ascicles in the mammalian optic nerve. The pattern of undulations is d
escribed in the rat optic nerve and is related to the nerve's fascicul
ar configuration and the regions between the fascicles, the extrafasci
cular matrix. The stage at which the undulations appear is determined
to ascertain whether they are an intrinsic feature of optic axons or w
hether they emerge in association with the development of other events
. The waves could be traced across the width of the nerve. Their patte
rn was not altered at fascicular boundaries, where axon groups are seg
regated. The periodicity of the undulations was constant between the e
ye and the middle of the nerve's length. Here fascicular divisions are
present. Close to the chiasm, where the glial organisation changes an
d fascicles disappear, the periodicity of the undulations lengthened.
They disappeared in the chiasm. Although collagen is a major component
of the mammalian optic nerve's extrafascicular matrix, it was not pre
sent in the rat. Hence, the wavelike trajectory is independent of conn
ective tissue. The waves are not present during early development and
hence not an intrinsic feature of these axons. They appear behind the
eye at late prenatal stages, emerging in association with glia in the
extrafascicular matrix. They develop caudally, mirroring glial maturat
ion. It is probable that the glia are maturing astrocytes that provide
a scaffold for this feature of optic axon trajectory. (C) 1996 Wiley-
Liss, Inc.