Bioequivalence studies are mainly required to demonstrate the intercha
ngeability of multisource pharmaceutical products, usually called gene
rics. A pivotal investigation projected and conducted in compliance wi
th specific guidelines allows a replicative company to register a gene
ric drug via an ANDA (abbreviated new drug application) procedure. Ser
ious problems are often encountered in planning and conducting these s
tudies, which are not covered by operating guidelines, and call for pr
otocols to be set up on a case-by-case basis. The main problems involv
e the high variability of some active ingredients, how to manage basel
ine with endogenous substances, drugs with a long terminal half-life,
drugs under genetic polymorphic metabolism, drugs possessing stereogen
ic centre(s), and drugs which cannot ethically be given to healthy vol
unteers. These problems are extensively covered in this paper and, whe
re appropriate, possible solutions are suggested. (C) 1995 The Italian
Pharmacological Society