Because of the constraints of the existing building, a reconstruction
project is more complicated and difficult than a new project, and a mu
ltiphase reconstruction project is even more complicated and difficult
than a single-phase reconstruction project because of the additional
constraints imposed by the owner to ensure the normal operation of the
remaining portion of the building. In this study, the experiences gai
ned during the first five phases of the multiphase reconstruction of t
he Technological Institute building on the Northwestern University cam
pus in Evanston, Illinois, are examined through a review of the constr
uction documents and interviews with representatives of virtually all
the major parties involved in the project. The problems encountered ar
e then analyzed within the framework of the contractual approach used
and the experiences accumulated, primarily from the construction of ne
w facilities, to deduce the variety of lessons learned. Chief among th
ese lessons are: (1) The strong need for effective project management
at all levels with continuous communication among all parties and the
authority to render timely decisions; (2) the importance of a contract
document that establishes a strong basis for handling uncertainties a
nd changes that arise during construction; and (3) the special problem
s that stem from the multiphase reconstruction of a combined academic
and research facility.